kwave.ksource module

class kSource[source]

Bases: object


Return type:


property flag_ux

Get the length of the sources in X-direction, this allows the inputs to be defined independently and be of any length


Length of the sources

property flag_uy

Get the length of the sources in X-direction, this allows the inputs to be defined independently and be of any length


Length of the sources

property flag_uz

Get the length of the sources in X-direction, this allows the inputs to be defined independently and be of any length


Length of the sources


Check if the p0 field is set and not empty

Return type:


p = None

time varying pressure at each of the source positions given by source.p_mask

property p0

Initial pressure within the acoustic medium

p_frequency_ref = None

Pressure reference frequency

p_mask = None

binary matrix specifying the positions of the time varying pressure source distribution

p_mode = None
s_mask = None

Stress source mask

s_mode = None

Stress source mode

sxx = None

Stress source in x -> x direction

sxy = None

Stress source in x -> y direction

sxz = None

Stress source in x -> z direction

syy = None

Stress source in y -> y direction

syz = None

Stress source in y -> z direction

szz = None

Stress source in z -> z direction

u_frequency_ref = None

Velocity reference frequency

u_mask = None

binary matrix specifying the positions of the time varying particle velocity distribution

u_mode = None
ux = None

time varying particle velocity in the x-direction at each of the source positions given by source.u_mask

uy = None

time varying particle velocity in the y-direction at each of the source positions given by source.u_mask

uz = None

time varying particle velocity in the z-direction at each of the source positions given by source.u_mask


Validate the object fields for correctness


kgrid (kWaveGrid) – Instance of ~kwave.kgrid.kWaveGrid class



Return type:
